Thursday, March 5, 2015

How to get soft hair

People are constantly asking me how I get soft hair! So I thought I would share my routine to get softer hair!

Curly hair twinning with Gabby!
1. I use the "Mane & Tail" shampoo and conditioner. I have found that since I have used this, my hair has become increasingly healthier and my hair has grown a lot faster! I know it is horse shampoo, but humans can use it too! :)

2. I brush my hair before I take my shower. This way the conditioner gets all over my hair and doesn't get caught in the knots. It helps a ton, believe me.

3.  I put in my shampoo, but I DO NOT SCRUB        IT IN. This damages the hair. Instead, I lightly          put it on. The hair still gets clean, but in a less            harsher way. Since my hair is less damaged, it is        softer.

  4. After I rinse the shampoo, I put on the   conditioner and leave it in for 5 minutes. I know this may seem like a long time, but this gives it time to soak in. While you are waiting, you can wash off, sing a little bit, or think on life problems!

5. I trim my split ends every 2-3 months. It doesn't take long to do, and it makes my hair look a lot fresher, and overall makes it less frizzy. Less frizzy hair= softer hair!

6.After I shower, I use this brush ^. I found it at Publix for $12, and let me tell you, it works wonders! This brush dries your hair as you use it, and it has made my hair 20 times softer! It also makes my hair look fresher and less frizzy.

I hope this helps you make your hair softer! Always comment with any questions you have, and what you would like future posts about!


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